Supporting well-being through Biblical Counseling
We're Here to Listen
We're Here to Listen
Eternal Perspective Counseling was founded with a desire to walk along side individuals struggling to maneuver everyday life. We approach counseling with a basic belief that God provides the wisdom through scripture to address the issues we face.
The role of the Christian Counselor is to guide individuals to seek the Lord and apply his word to their lives. God is the true healer and counselor.
Our goal is to be a reflection of Christ to those we meet. We will be with you every step of your journey.
We desire to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward in freedom. We believe a biblical approach sheds light on all circumstances.
My background is comprised of over 35 years working with young adults, children and adults in both a mentoring and leading capacity. My education incorporates a Masters in Mental Health and Wellness and Master classes in Biblical Counseling at Fuller Seminary and Phoenix Seminary. In addition to formal education, I have received training at the AZ Trauma Center studying Individual Trauma, Addiction and Trauma, Sex Trafficking and Trauma, Adolescents Brain, and the Neuroscience of Attachment. I have training through Mending the Soul, Peacemakers, Relational Wisdom, and Rio Salado College in Addiction disorders. I have been counseling on a professional level since 2017 since after completing my Certification in
Biblical Counseling.